Welcome to our Frequently Asked Questions blog about the GetMyFirstJob Ambassador Network! This resource is designed to provide insights for current ambassadors, partners, employers, and anyone interested in learning more about our community of inspiring apprentices.

What is the GetMyFirstJob Ambassador Network?

The GetMyFirstJob Ambassador Network is a community of apprentices who have volunteered to share their personal experiences to inspire young people about the various opportunities available after school, college, or further along in their career. Our ambassadors are passionate about helping others navigate the early stages of their professional journey by sharing stories, advice, and firsthand knowledge of their apprenticeships so far.


Who can become a GetMyFirstJob Ambassador?

Any current or former apprentice of our employers who is enthusiastic about sharing their journey and helping others can become a GetMyFirstJob Ambassador. We are looking for individuals who are passionate about inspiring the next generation of apprentices and are willing to volunteer their time to share their stories and be involved in our mission to inspire our candidates to find the right apprenticeship for them.


What are the benefits of becoming an ambassador?

Becoming a GetMyFirstJob Ambassador offers numerous benefits, including:

- Begin on a journey of personal growth by enhancing your communication, leadership, and public speaking skills.

- Network with other apprentices and industry professionals.

- Be featured on our website and social media platforms as a recognised apprentice.

- Play a significant role in guiding and inspiring future apprentices.


What opportunities come with being a GetMyFirstJob Ambassador?

As an ambassador, you will have the chance to:

 - Assist our team with testimonials that appear in blog posts and create videos discussing your apprenticeship experience.

 - Attend monthly catch up calls with other apprentices and the GetMyFirstJob team.

 - Attend events, webinars, or online Q&A sessions where you can interact with potential apprentices and share your insights.

How often do ambassadors need to participate in activities?

We understand that our ambassadors have other commitments, so we offer flexible participation. You can choose to take part in activities that suit your schedule. We typically ask for involvement in at least one activity every few months, but you can do more if you're able!


How can I apply to become an ambassador?

Applying to become a GetMyFirstJob Ambassador is simple. Click here and fill out the application form. Once submitted, our team will review your application and get in touch with you for the next steps.


Can employers or partners recommend candidates to become ambassadors?

Yes, absolutely! We encourage all of the clients and partners we work with to recommend exceptional apprentices who they believe would be great ambassadors. If you know a candidate who would be a good fit, please direct them to our application page or contact us directly to make a recommendation.


How does the Ambassador Network benefit employers?

For our employers and partners, the Ambassador Network offers:

-  Showcasing successful apprentices reflects positively on your company and highlights your commitment to supporting career development.

-  Potential apprentices are more likely to apply to your vacancies where they can hear success stories from current or former apprentices.

-  By supporting the Ambassador Network, you’re contributing to a broader movement of inspiring and mentoring the next generation of talent.


Have any questions?

If you have any questions that you would like to ask our team, we’re available at Ambassadors@getmyfirstjob.co.uk

Apprenticeships voluntary work Apprentice