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Bosch Apprenticeship Programme
As the UK lockdown continues to ease through the planned government roadmap of lifting of restrictions there is great optimism that we can continue on the path towards “normality”. There is still a way to go before we get to that point and everybody must stay vigilant.
The apprentice programme and employers continue actively follow government guidelines and are taking all reasonable measures to support the minimisation of the spread of infection. Employers are posting new vacancies and we are still actively looking to fill the positions, so please search and apply for your ideal opportunity today.
The Apprenticeship programme is increasing its remotely delivered content and aligned our processes to minimise transmission risks in our training centres. We are adapting to changing circumstances and where employers are supportive, starting to ramp up apprentice training activity. Even though some apprentices are on furlough, government rules state that training can still continue, please speak with us or your employer for more information. You may find the following link helpful:
We are here to help all potential candidates, existing apprentices and employers and we urge you to contact us to discuss your individual circumstances to allow us to give personalised advice.
About 1 in 3 people with coronavirus do not have symptoms but can still infect others. Getting tested regularly is the only way to know if you have the virus. If people test positive and self-isolate, it helps stop the virus spreading. We are supportive of this process and urge you to be supportive too. Anyone in England is now eligible for free and regular rapid lateral flow tests – these are for people who are not experiencing any of symptoms of coronavirus. For those with symptoms you need a different test. Please follow the link below for more advice and guidance on both types of test.
It’s important to us that all our staff, apprentices’ employers and candidates remain safe and if you require any specialist support, we urge you to look our apprentice support section lower down this page. If you have specific coronavirus medical questions please contact your GP or navigate to NHS website for expert advice.
Thank you for supporting us all in staying safe and please remember if you have any of the main symptoms of coronavirus:
You and anyone you live with should stay at home and not have visitors until you get your test result – only leave your home to have a test.
The Bosch Automotive Apprenticeship Programme provides the knowledge, skills and qualification required to set the candidates on the path to a rewarding career as an automotive technician.
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The Bosch Apprenticeship Programme delivered by Bosch Automotive Service Solutions Limited
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