Colleges & Providers

Apprenticeships with Rathbone Training

Introduction Into Rathbone Training

Rathbone Training is a British youth charity focused on helping young people gain the right skills to move into sustainable employment.


With a focus on changing young people's lives, Rathbone offer full support. Not only do they offer great workplace training. They help build self-esteem, confidence and the skills needed to make a great future. They offer Apprenticeships in more than 15 sectors as well as Traineeships and Functional Skills programmes.


Rathbone Training have 25 centres across England, Scotland and Wales. They offer apprenticeships across the whole of Britain.


Rathbone Training provide access to training and qualifications that enable you to achieve your goals, whether that’s a job, a place at college, an apprenticeship or a work placement. If you choose to work with Rathbone, you will be supported, encouraged and challenged in every way possible.

Opportunity Types

Industry Sectors



Rathbone Training’s Apprenticeships are made up of job related qualifications relevant to your role, functional skills (Maths, English & ICT) and Employment Rights & Responsibilities (ERR). Tutorials, observations and sessions are delivered onsite at your employer’s location. Assessment is made up of face to face formal review visits every 6 to 8 weeks, with regular learner contact in between from a tutor, to give you the help and support you need. All of your supporting work is submitted using an online ePortfolio system with no need for paper based files.

Training Methods:

Classroom teaching
Work place learning
One-to-One tuition
Professional discussions

Assessment Methods:

Workplace observations
Professional discussions
Portfolio building

Rathbone Training


Advanced Social media and digital marketing – level 3
Business Admin – 2 & 3
Catering & professional chefs – level 2
Childcare – 2 & 3 
Children & young people’s workforce – level 2 & 3
Customer Service – 2 & 3
Electrotechnical – level 3
Health & Social Care – 2 & 3
Hospitality – 2 & 3
IT, software, web and telecoms professionals – level 2
Motor Vehicle – 2 & 3
Retail – 2 & 3
Retail – level 2 & 3
Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools – 2 & 3
Vehicle fitting – level 2
Vehicle maintenance and repair – level 2 & 3
Warehousing – 2 & 3
Youth Work – 2 & 3


Care & Education
Youth Work
Supporting Teaching & Learning in Schools
Health & Social Care
Business & IT
Business Admin.
Customer Service
Social Media & Digital Marketing
Retail & Commercial Enterprise
Motor vehicle service & repair

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