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Download the GetMyFirstJob Guide to Your Future
Whether you’re leaving school or college or a friend, family member or student is, you can always know more to help make the best decision. It can be difficult - what you choose to do today could shape how you spend the rest of your life! This is why we’ve taken the time to put together the GetMyFirstJob Guide to Your Future. A survey showed that 28% of people had no idea what they wanted to do after school, so if you don’t, that’s absolutely fine, you’re not alone! We’ve included everything you need to know, so you can make your decision with an open mind.
Here’s a quick outline:
- Overviews on the industries you could work in - Information about Apprenticeships - Information about Traineeships - Information about University - Information about Gap Years - Information about working - Tips & FAQs to help you along the way - Case studies from people who have been in your shoes
It’s great to talk to your friends, family and support network at your school or college about this, but there is one thing you need to remember. You’re the most important person when you make the decision on what to do, it is your life after all!
The world of work is always changing, so what the job you end up doing might not even exist yet! By thinking about the industries, you like and the skills you might need or you can make sure that you can fit in to whatever is thrown at you.
Whether you’re an academic and you want the University rundown, or you want to get straight into the work getting real responsibility with a full-time job or an Apprenticeship. You could even be the adventurous type who wants to explore the world on a gap year, this guide will help you take your first steps onto the right path for you.
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GetMyFirstJob offers you a whole new way to find Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience and Graduate opportunities to get ahead. It’s not just a search tool – we’ll connect you with the Best Employers, Colleges & Providers and Universities to get you on the right track faster.