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Biological scientists > Botanist
Environment and land | Science and research
Botanists study all forms of plant life.
You'll usually need a degree in a subject like:
It may be helpful if you volunteer with a relevant organisation, like the the Royal Horticultural Society and the Field Studies Council, before you apply for your first job.
You'll need:
You could specialise in:
Your work will vary depending on your role, but you could:
You could work at a university, at a research facility or in a laboratory. Your working environment may be outdoors some of the time and you'll travel often.
With experience in industry, you could move into a more senior position. In field research and conservation, you'll usually need to take on organisational, management or advisory responsibilities in order to progress. You could move into plant science, investigating biodiversity, crop production and plant diseases. You could also become a freelance consultant.
Oceanographers study the seas and oceans.
Gardeners grow plants and look after them in private and public green spaces.
Geotechnicians collect and analyse geological data from rock, soil and water samples.
Meteorologists collect and study data from the atmosphere and oceans to make weather forecasts and carry out research.
Sport and exercise psychologists work with athletes, teams and coaches to improve their motivation and performance.
Horticultural therapists use gardening to improve their clients' health and wellbeing.
To work with teachers as part of a professional team to support learning by providing technical assistance, through the preparation and day-to-day maintenance of teaching areas and equipment for pupils.
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